ERP Guide
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What’s In The Kit?
Download our comprehensive guide today. It’s full of checklists, worksheets, examples, and industry best practices from our team of former CFOs, CPAs, controllers, business leaders, and technology experts.
ERP Self Assessment
Our Self-Assessment will allow you to determine if you need a new ERP system or if you should just make some minor tweaks to your next project.
ROI Calculator
Use our ROI Calculator to quantify the need for a modern ERP system.
Sample RFI
Our sample RFI will help guide you through the Request For Information.
Business Process Maps
These maps will help define key processes you can automate within the tool and build efficiencies.
Vendor Scorecard
Use our custom scorecard to see how they measure up against each other, and you can make sure they check all the boxes.
Top 10 Questions
We provide you with the top questions to ask your vendor to ensure you cover all your bases when evaluating an ERP.